Kavita Rana

Kavita Rana

Data Science Content Intern at NannyML

Prevent Failure of Product Defect Detection Models: A Post-Deployment Guide

Prevent Failure of Product Defect Detection Models: A Post-Deployment Guide

This blog dissects the core challenge of monitoring defect detection models: the censored confusion matrix. Additionally, I explore how business value metrics can help you articulate the financial impact of your ML models in front of non-data science experts.

Why Relying on Training Data for ML Monitoring Can Trick You

Why Relying on Training Data for ML Monitoring Can Trick You

The most commonly repeated mistake while choosing a reference dataset is using the training data. This blog highlights the drawbacks of this decision and guides you on selecting the correct reference data.

A Comprehensive Guide to Univariate Drift Detection Methods

A Comprehensive Guide to Univariate Drift Detection Methods

Discover how to tackle univariate drift with our comprehensive guide. Learn about key techniques such as the Jensen-Shannon Distance, Hellinger Distance, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test, and more. Implement them in Python using the NannyML library.

Stress-free Monitoring of Predictive Maintenance Models

Stress-free Monitoring of Predictive Maintenance Models

Prevent costly machine breakdowns with NannyML’s workflow: Learn to tackle silent model failures, estimate performance with CBPE, and resolve issues promptly.

Multivariate Drift Detection: A Comparative Study on Real-world Data

Multivariate Drift Detection: A Comparative Study on Real-world Data

This blog introduces covariate shift and various approaches to detecting it. It then deep-dives into the various multivariate drift detection algorithms with NannyML on a real-world dataset.